
Thank you for the music!….

That’s what our residents were saying today after a visit from Mr Music, who gave us a great session of old favourites which had several people singing along and dancing.

With some specially themed songs for Valentine’s day the whole session was a big hit and we can’t wait for the next time!


Yummy Valentine’s…

Our kitchen wizards here at The Valleys have been creating some fab heart shaped treats for our residents today.

We think they look brilliant and will no doubt taste just as good.


Games galore….

Who doesn’t love a giant set of cards? We normally have a session of “Play Your Cards Right” with these but we also enjoy a rather large game of snap! Noughts & crosses is another favourite with our residents and the two together add up to a fun and winning afternoon all round.


Welcome back!….

It was lovely to have our friends from Animal Therapy back for a visit to the home last week. This time they came with a new addition to the gang – meet Roger the Chameleon, he was a big hit with everyone.

Having the animals visit is really great for engagement and gives so much pleasure as these lovely pictures show.


Celebrating Rabbie……

We have enjoyed celebrating Burns night 2023 here at The Valleys. Our wonderful kitchen team created a dish called pretend haggis, with neeps & tatties, and our residents have enjoyed designing kilts and family shields. Our resident Scot has regaled us with old Scottish fables and tales, which were great.

Unfortunately our bagpiper could not attend so we look forward to rebooking him as soon as possible, We hope you enjoy a wee dram in celebration tonight!


Day Care Delight….

Everyone at The Valleys is really pleased that our new Day Care Centre is now open. It’s a lovely space, with some great facilities. Here’s some pictures of it in use with some of our residents, who enjoyed an afternoon of nattering, music & good coffee. Going forward we will be having a mix of day visitors and residents on a daily basis to help make friends and new social circles.

Many of our day visitors eventually become residents, so it’s a great way of introducing them to the home and developing friendships.

We will be showcasing more of our Day Centre activities and facilities soon – so stay tuned.


Welcome to the family Rochelle……

Here at The Valleys we like to create a family spirit in our home. Everyone who comes to entertain us automatically becomes, to our mind, part of that community. This week We had the pleasure of having a brand new singer with us, Rochelle Ayris, and it’s safe to say she was an instant hit with our residents.

She performed a mix of songs starting with hits from the 40’s. She has a great voice – which we were still discussing into tea time!

We can’t wait to have her back with us again – what a great afternoon.


Happy New Year!….

Here at The Valleys we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone – residents, families, staff and friends a very Happy New Year. Let’s hope that 2023 brings us peace, happiness and prosperity.

Thank you for all your support in 2022 and we hope you enjoy your celebrations.