
Crazy games…..

We invited residents along to our Activities Room recently to join us for a giant snakes & ladders game which turned into a dice throwing game and the silliest shot got the biggest applause! The balancing chair game was great and our residents’ concentration was brilliant.

We learnt we have a lot of very competitive people in the home!


Welcome visitors!…..

We had our monthly Animal Therapy visit this week, with the added addition of a new baby Chick & Duck. Both are yet to be named as they’re only 8weeks old! We met a dwarf Boa Constrictor as well, that the residents really liked. However, the highlight of the day was when the baby chick jumped out the box and tried to waddle away, our residents howled with laughter.

Maybe it didn’t trust the Boa Constrictor!


Our favourite days……

Our residents have a brilliant time whenever the absolutely fabulous Rochelle comes back to serenade us. This time it was everything Spring related. It was a lovely time with people joining in and thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Rochelle has certainly captured the hearts of everyone here at The Valleys


Stay calm on Sunday 23rd April……

The Government is holding an Emergency Alert test that will affect anyone with a mobile phone, to keep you and your loved ones informed here’s our explanatory guide for what is happening with the National Alarm System this weekend.


A Welcome Visitor!…..

The Easter bunny paid a visit to The Valleys over the weekend and brought some rather yummy treats for all of our residents! We’ve had a relaxed yet busy Easter, with lots of eggs, bonnets and bunnies. Everyone is ready for Spring now and hopefully it won’t be too long before the weather settles down and we get some nice sunshine again.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to Asda, Morrisons, The Anchor Beefeater Pub and Ashby Lodge Pub, for their generous donations to our Easter raffle.

It’s great that they all helped out.


A great start to the weekend….

Here at the Valleys we kick started the Easter weekend with a show by Simon Wheeler. He gave us a classic selection of rock n roll alongside some fun outfit changes. It was great fun and what a brilliant start to a chilled weekend for all our lovely residents.


Will you be a winner?……

Our Annual Easter Raffle is in full swing. You can get your tickets from reception. All money goes towards the residents activities fund and there are some great prizes to be won.

Be in it to win it and get your tickets soon.


Easter preparations……

Easter is just around the corner, which means it’s a busy time in the home. Lots of preparations are being made to celebrate the Easter weekend which means competition time here for the best decorated eggs & bonnets! Residents concentrate really hard when they know it’s a competition – which unit will win? Our final bonnets & eggs will be In reception next week and you can judge for yourselves which is best.

We think they will all be great.


A Staff View…

Here at The Valleys every member of staff is important and we value them for their professionalism and compassion. It’s great when we get feedback from one of them saying how much they enjoy working in the home. Here’s a letter from one member of staff, Chris, detailing why he enjoys his job.

Thank you for the kind words Chris and we are sure you will continue to deliver great care for all our residents.


A great opening day…..

Here at The Valleys we had our first full day of our new Day Care centre being open. Our first Day Care resident was there along with some of our permanent residents who joined for the day. As you can see from the pictures they all had a great time.