
Taking One For The Team….

The gazebos at The Valleys tend to take on a bit of rain water when the weather is heavy, we always take it in turns with who pulls the short straw and has to clear it – whoever it is does get a little wet but it’s great entertainment for everyone else and even our residents have a right giggle!


Animal Therapy….

Our residents at The Valleys had some great company recently, as some animal friends came to join us and gave us a lovely afternoon’s entertainment. There was a wide variety of animals that turned up, from rabbits to snakes and chameleons – it turned out that Roger The Chameleon was a big fan of sitting on people’s heads and thought that was the best place to be!


No Dampening Our Spirits…..

Well, here at The Valleys the weather hasn’t exactly been kind to us as of late, but we have been finding ways to enjoy our days all the same! Our residents recently took part in some bottle painting which was great fun for everyone, we then spent a little time relaxing and chatting before tucking in to some delicious fish and chips.

Thoroughly enjoyable despite the weather – let’s hope the sun decides to come out soon!


Service Success……

We are so pleased that our first church service with the Parish of Bottesford, Ashby & Riddings was a success, this has spent a long time being planned and is something that has been requested by residents in our residents meetings.

They’re all very pleased to now have this available and services will take place every 2nd Tuesday of the month in our day-care lounge!


Summer Is Here….

And nothing quite says that better than some fresh flower arranging, which is exactly what residents here at The Valleys took part in recently. Each resident had their own assigned arranging station and got busy sorting out these beautiful flowers – not only did have the new additions brightened the look of the home but they also brightened our spirits with such a fun way to spend a morning.


A Lovely Gesture…..

One of our lovely families recently donated some pre-drawn art canvases to the home for our residents to colour in, they all looked absolutely fantastic and each resident was able to choose their own preferred colours – what better to spend some quality time together?


In High Spirits……

Well, the rain last week certainly didn’t stop us from doing the things we love, the residents stayed inside and played some games and did a little bit of drawing – the garden may have been a little wet but it certainly didn’t dampen our spirits!


Fun In The Sun….

Well, the weather was delightful over the weekend and it was certainly ideal for a barbecue here at The Valleys – which is exactly what we set up, our amazing kitchen staff prepared and cooked up a delicious selection for our residents to indulge in as they soaked up some sun.

They all had a wonderful time and can’t wait for the next one already!


A Day Of Fun….

We hope all of the dad’s out there had a wonderful Father’s Day yesterday and that your day was as fun as ours – it was filled with love, fun, and some great games that our residents had a wonderful time playing.

It has been a great weekend and our residents have thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


Taking in The Sunshine….

The weather has been nothing short of perfect at The Valleys recently, and here is a photo showing some of our residents who decided to bask in the warmth and enjoy their morning cups of tea outside – the perfect way to start the day!